On the property, you will also find amenities and details that will complement the pleasures of your stay.
Game room
Very large, secure and air conditioned, this space is ideal for children and the young-at-heart. In addition to foosball, there are many board games, a TV with DVD player and activities for young and old.
A door
From the Lumière lounge, located on the second floor of the main building, one can access, through a back door, one of the liveliest squares in the village.
An electronic
For evenings, with friends or simply to practice, this piano can provide great enjoyment.
A soda and still water dispenser
When you are at the Chateau des Costes, you need not worry about your water supply! You will find a dispenser of still and sparkling mineral water at the bar in the Lumière Salon.
A summer dining room
Located on the first floor, the summer dining room is one of the special places of the property, with a large terrace open to the outside. The adjacent summer kitchen makes for convenient meal preparation.
A winter dining room
On the rare occasions when the climate does not allow for outdoor dining, one can always take refuge in this large dining room with its medieval charm.